God Uses Feeble Saints

When they say that good things come in small packages, they are probably referring to things like engagement rings or robin’s eggs or chocolate mints. But they could also include the acerola berry (also called a Barbados Cherry), which is said to have ten times the vitamin C of an orange.

I love it when God uses small things to make a big impact: a slingshot that kills a giant, a mustard seed that grows into a huge tree, a small boy’s lunch that feeds thousands. He uses unpromising people too. Think of the transforming work of the Holy Spirit in the lives of those disciples!

My brother, Thane, recently shared the story of James Hudson Taylor who spent 51 years in China as a pioneer missionary. He also formed the China Inland Mission, which was responsible for sending over 800 missionaries to China.

When a friend complimented him on the fruit of CIM, he responded, “It seemed to me that God looked over the whole world to find a man who was weak enough to do His work, and when He at last found me, He said, ‘He is weak enough – he’ll do.’ All of God’s giants have been weak people who did great things for God because they counted on His power. Taylor relished in his insufficiencies and inadequacies, knowing that is where God’s choicest resources were.

Thane completed his post by saying, “The Lord seldom calls the fully equipped, but seems to get more mileage equipping the fully called.”

That’s wonderful news, since I often feel absolutely inadequate for the tasks God gives me to do. That’s when I like to remember and rephrase Taylor’s words: “She’s weak enough – she’ll do.”

3 thoughts on “God Uses Feeble Saints

  1. Love this little sermonette!  Reminds me of The Lord of the Rings
    Trilogy. If you haven’t read the books, it’s the little hobbit who has
    no magic that can carry the ring of power to the place where it must be
    destroyed because any beings in Tolkein’s  fantasy world who are already
    powerful will succumb to evil if they add to their own power to the
    power of the ring. Yes, God’s ways are always good!

  2. Thanks for this post!  Very timely for me as I’m long term subbing in a 1st grade class and really feel weak for this job!  I love the kids and know that God is using me, but daily wonder if I’m really making a difference for God and in these kiddo’s lives.  Today, I will remember that God will use me and help me!  Blessings to you and Dan, Jerilynn

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