Church Planting Initiative: Houses of Peace

– by Dan Owsley

As we opened a church in the new neighborhood of Riacho Fundo, we prayed for “persons of peace,” people who did not yet know Christ, who would be receptive to the gospel and invite us into their homes to lead Bible studies. (The idea comes from Luke 10:5 – “Whenever you enter someone’s home, first say, ‘May God’s peace be on this house.’”) God has richly answered that prayer.

In Brasília, the Holy Spirit has opened up opportunities for us to enter the homes of three families. During each gathering the gospel is announced, opportunity for a response is given, and prayers and blessings are offered for those who are sick and those who are seeking. Several men and women have prayed to receive Christ as Savior and Lord.

Dan with Manoel e Carlos

Manoel, Dan, and Carlos

Last week I visited the home of my friend Carlos, a car mechanic, who expressed interest in hosting a House of Peace. His wife, his in-laws, and several of their grandchildren were gathered there to meet Pastor Peterson and me. Even though it was just an introductory gathering, the Holy Spirit was at work. I shared from Mark 5 about Jairus, who sought and worshipped Jesus, calling Him into his home to bring life and hope. When offered an opportunity to respond, Carlos’ father-in-law, Manoel, firmly declared that he wanted to receive Christ. Surrounded by his family, Pr. Peterson led him in the sinner’s prayer.

Would you pray with us that the Houses of Peace will bear much fruit and that each new believer will be confirmed and strengthened in the faith; and that more families will be won for Christ through their witness?

3 thoughts on “Church Planting Initiative: Houses of Peace

  1. Aleluias! Que o nome do Senhor seja conhecido. Multipliquemos o Amor do Pai. Orações para este tão grande trabalho. Que o Senhor seja sempre sua inspiração.

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