
Recently three Brazilian missionary women went to Heaven within thirty days of each other. On January 13, Doris Thompson (aged 91) went to be with the Lord. As Free Methodist missionaries, she and her husband, Clancy, warmly received us when we arrived in Brazil 34 years ago; she gave me pointers on how to get acculturated to my new country. Mary Fawcett was also part of our early years in Brazil. She passed away on Feb 3. She and her husband, Bill, served the Lord for decades at Calvary International Church where they poured their lives into Brazilians and ex-pats.  On Feb 10 my dear mother-in-law, Elizabeth Owsley, entered her heavenly home at the age of 102. She and Clarence served as missionaries in Brazil for many years and “retired” to serve in several U.S. churches afterwards.

(Picture is of young missionaries Elizabeth Owsley and Doris Thompson around 1959)

I was able to watch all of three funerals (two of them online) and marveled at how God used these women for the building up and strengthening of His church. None of them would have boasted of having had a “remarkable” ministry. Each would have said that the Lord’s strength was made perfect in her weakness. What impressed me over and over was their willingness to go wherever and do whatever the Lord asked, never looking back. In fact, with their eyes fixed on Jesus, they didn’t even waste much time wondering if other people noticed them.  

In a selfie/Instagram-obsessed world that screams “Look at me!” I find it comforting to know that these three lived quiet, faithful lives, knowing that their heavenly Father’s approval was what mattered most. They were self-giving, unpretentious and persevering. In this day and age, that kind of ordinary faithfulness is indeed extraordinary!

One thought on ““Ordinary”Faithfulness?

  1. What a blessing they were! I trust they are happily fellowshipping with each other now as they enjoy the presence of the Lord.

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